
Our Coaching Methods

We use lots of different coaching methods to help you be successful.  We don’t just sit and talk with you, though we are happy to if that’s what suits you.  We are creative in our approach as we come from a creative background, that is what you would expect.

Outdoor Coaching  We are very happy to meet you at your place of work or in an external space, however, being physically active enables the mind and body to be in sync in a very powerful way.  Being out in nature, near water and engaging with your natural environment can be highly motivating.  You may wish to go to your local park, take a walk in the countryside, sit beside the sea or a river or outdoor may be a visit to a gallery where we can talk and muse about the artwork which you process and achieve your results.  Its not a must of participating in a coaching programme with us but you may like to consider it.

Our Coaching Methods

We use many traditional coaching techniques, along with new modalities and creative approaches.   These include:
NLP: Neuro Linguistic Programming is a toolkit of techniques which help you to gain focus, create strategies for success, communicate more effectively and overcome obstacles helping you move forward with belief and behavioural change.
mBIT aka mBrainingThis is a fairly new methodology developed from neuroscience, NLP, behavioural psychology, behavioural modelling and ancient wisdoms.  It works by communicating with your 3 brains (or intellegencies) in your heart, your head and your gut aligning your compassion, creativity and courage.
Creative Tools: We use a variety of creative tools in coaching which may include working with archetypes, sandplay and metaphor.  We like to communicate with all parts of your brain(s) and stimulate them all into helping you create the outcome you seek.  Creative tools, like outdoor coaching, can help your mind and body be in sync more effectively than simply talking.  If it’s not for you, we wont force it on you!
Role Play with Actors:  This is a coaching process unique to Sensability.  Role play with professional actors is often used in training.  We use it in coaching, too.  If we think it would help you to try out some of the new approaches you are learning, or develop stronger communication skills, or prepare for a difficult conversation, we will suggest you role play a situation with one of our professional actors.  Its a great way of exploring the topic and receiving focussed feedback.

Psychometric Profiling

We offer two assessment tools which will help individuals and teams understand their working and motivational preferences.  These are Extended DISC which focusses on behaviours and iWAM which focusses on motivation.  One or both can be part of a coaching programme if appropriate to the outcomes sought. 

Ready to find out more or start your coaching with Sensability?

Please CONTACT US to explore your needs and approaches with coaching.